Building a structure and format to grow your business

When you first started your business you were in control, you knew everything that was going on.  You had few customers, not much data and had few automation requirements.

You may have started out with a small accounts package, managing your data in excel spreadsheets, or you may have implemented basic Enterprise Resource Planning(ERP) software.  Whichever route you chose it was OK it just about met your needs.  You could get reports out of the system even if it wasn’t too flexible.  And you still had some manual processes but that too was OK, you were small and could accommodate those requirements.

Now your business is growing it is becoming increasingly more difficult to know everything and it feels as though you’re spinning plates, or fighting fires all the time.

You have many more customers and employees, many more orders and much more data.  You have more complex processes which you need to automate.

As your business grows you need greater visibility to what is going on within the company.  You need access to data, anywhere, anytime.

By the time you’ve realised that you’re not getting the visibility you need, your business may already be suffering from reduced productivity and lost opportunities.

So what are the warning signs?  Perhaps your system can’t keep up, or you have data inaccuracy or, slow order delivery, or customer complaints or time consuming manual processes.  You could be suffering from one or all these problems.

So what should you do?  Come and listen to Caroline Atkinson, Director of In Cloud Solutions, talk about  “Building a structure and format to grow your business” at The British Business Show, ExCel London on Thursday, 6th June, Hall 15 at 2 o’clock.-

This will probably be the best 30 minutes you will spend at the show.


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